Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Rock Show

At Zeitgeist Gallery 167 Market Street, Lowell

Opening Reception on Sat. November 10, 6:30- 9 pm
The Show will run from November 10 to November 24
Gallery Hours are Wed.- Sat. 1-8 pm

Featuring stone carvings and stone installations by Jay Hungate, Bill Turville, Marcus Nechay, Yin Peet, Kevin Duffy, Scott Cahaly, and Andy Moerlein
with paintings and prints by Denise Manseau and decorated stones from the
617 285-1610

No, it's not rock ‘n roll, it's a party to decorate rocks for the upcoming "ROCK SHOW" at Zeitgeist Gallery- a show of all things stone, from sculpture to paintings.

People are invited to paint, collage, and otherwise decorate rocks to be in the show. 
ROCK PARTY- SUNDAY NOVEMBER 4, 1-4 pm at Zeitgeist, 167 Market Street, Lowell

Rocks and supplies are provided, but artists are encouraged to bring their own. 
A $5 donation is requested for all participants
Any finished rocks that people wish to donate will be raffled off at the ROCK SHOW Opening Reception on Sat. November 10, 6:30- 9 pm