Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Saturday November 18th 12 - 6 PM
2 Bradley st. Somerville MA 02145

-I am opening up my studio again on this November
Saturday for folks to see my recent and older works.
Come and see the "Creation/Protection Sculptures" carved in the last
Six months. Also see the "Earth Paintings from the
beginning of the
Please find time in your busy afternoon schedule to
come out and support an local emerging artist and
maybe purchase some work. Please bring a friend and
feel free to forward this e-mail along.

Please click on video and see what awaits you!

cheers, *Scott

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Earth's Magnetic Field Sculpture

Earth's Magnetic field has emerged from that "new stone" I purchased and blogged about a little over a month ago. The carving process was very satisfying as I hadn't worked on a bigger piece in a long time. It took some time for the form to emerge out of the stone. Countless sessions, alot of stepping back from the work. Some dreams I had helped. If you click on my website you can see all the angles of the piece. It came out like a sculpted version of my earth paintings
The work was completed and just about finished off when I saw this great Nova episode last week about how scientists are speculating that the earths magnetic field, which keeps our atomosphere free of solar detrimental glare might be weakening. All my work recently has to do with the rejuvination and protection of the planet in physical and non-physical terms so I thought this concept might be a good title and description for the sculpture. There is literally a little carved earth on the side being held in a hand, which connects to a form spiraling upward into almost an eternity symbol connected to an angelic face in profile with hair, and coming out of the back of the hair is another hand with one finger extended out reaching out for that divine spark again which keeps appearing in all my work. In this case a divine spark needed to help the earth's magnetic field. peace, Scott.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

New Stone*

I finally did it. After having a huge piece of soapstone waiting for me in the artstore shelf for eight or nine months I finally had the money and the intent to go in and purchase it this week. I have been carving alot of "small" sculptures this summer and needed to sink my teeth into something bigger. When I was 24 that something bigger was a five thousand pound block of marble(New Nazca Stone) and though here in Slummerville I am not set up to carve such a wee-big piece of Marble, I certainly can carve pieces up to a hundred pounds. Something happens to and inside me when I carve large. It is like clear providence into another dimension. I almost loose myself inside the confines of this medium that takes millions of years to be created in the earth's crust. So I went down stairs to the newer art store in "Mental" Central Square and grabbed the heavy piece from the shelf. After finding out they wanted two hundred for it and not the one-fifty I thought it was, I asked for a deal as one does with the purchase of a huge stone and they were very cool, I signed my credit card receipt and the total was one-hundred and seventy. I proceeded to walk up the stairs and out to the street right behind the t-stop and down past Pearl st. to my car with the big stone in my hands like a gravity challenged new-born. Several people looked at me like, "what the hell is that." I proceeded to put it down on a bench next to a person completely out of it, opened my trunk of my car parked on Mass have right before Hubba-hubba and plopped it in my trunk. Then fed the meter some more and ran into the Harvest for some salmon rolls.
Having the piece set up to work is very exciting. Current typing included, I find my self procastinating a little bit before I start. I think I just want to enjoy the piece a bit before I tear into it with my chisels. One note, this piece is the most talc piece of stone I have ever seen or worked on. Soapstone and Granite are silicates = Very harmful dust. I have a very good respirator I will be using. I am also happy/sad to say the work shouldn't take too long, do to how soft it is. In a purest way this is kind wimpy, carving a soft-stone, but faced with how much time it takes to carve something like marble, finish it and finally show it then maybe sell it, it is nice to work in softer stones as it doesn't become a life sentence of stone carving!
Thanks for reading and wish me luck........................ Peace and enjoy this great fall energy that is starting to envelop... *Scott.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Fall Artshows and other stuff.

Hope you all had a great August and were able to get
to the ocean or the mountains! Just writing to keep
people current on what I'm up to "artistically" this
fall. This list covers group shows I am in, work I
will be donating, teaching and website updates. Please
scroll down and check it out.
cheers, Scott*

An interfaith, intercultural exhibit exploring
spiritual and faith based dimensions in art
September 14 — October 20
Artists’ Reception: Thursday, September 14, 6:00 p.m.–
8:00 p.m.
Gallery Talk : Thursday, September 21, 1 - 2:30 p.m.

2. Sculpture at UMass/Boston*
The New England Sculptors Association
in collaboration with
The Campus Center of UMass/Boston
Invite you to view an
Exhibit of Contemporary Sculpture

In this extraordinary space at
100 Morrissey Boulevard in Boston

September 11th thru December 15th, 2006

Please join us

Friday, September 15th, 2006
from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
for the
Opening Reception
in the
Level 1 - University Terrace

Directions: see website

(Brattle Theatre/Cambridge)
Local and national artists have once again put their
art where their hearts are and donated some stunning
works for ART HOUSE, the Brattle's third annual silent
art auction fundraiser. While the seasoned art
collector will certainly find great deals at ART
HOUSE, this event is for the novice art-lover as well,
with starting bids between $35 and $250. Proceeds
benefit the Brattle Film Foundation.

Thursday, September, 28th, 2006, 6:30 - 9:00 PM
Bidding closes at 8:15

Paintings, sculptures, woodcuts, lithographs,
photographs, and more await their new homes. Whether
your walls still have posters dating from 1987, or
you're bored with your Picasso, there is something for
everyone at ART HOUSE.

Many of the artists will be present for the event,
ready to answer questions about their work. Admission
is $15 and we recommend advance tickets (coming soon)
since we are limited to 125 guests. There will be a
cash bar and light refreshments. Bidding closes at
8:15, when we will accept payments and hand the works
to their new owners.

Thanks to the Art Connection I will be donating
two more paintings to Boston non-profits
a. Roxbury Multi-Service Center (RMSC)
b. East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC)

-Develop 3D thinking and design skills as you discover
the inherent qualities of stone. As you hone your
carving technique, using alabaster, explore positive
and negative space, tools, and techniques. Students
will have the opportunity to create abstracted forms
or produce more realistic work.

(two classes)
1. Instructor Scott Cahaly
Day Monday
Time 9:30 AM- 12:30 PM
Date September 18 - December 4

2. Instructor Scott Cahaly
Day Wednesday
Time 7:00 PM- 10:00 PM
Date September 20 - December 6

*If people have conflicts with this schedule I do
teach privately, please contact me.

-I have an updated sculpture gallery with some work
from this summer. The "Creation Sculptures" are
currently fluctuating between rounded and more
geometric forms.

-I have also added a video tour of my studio for those
who have never been here but are more then welcomed to
schedule studio visits with me,(have your volume on!)

-Please link up with me through Myspace, I am at

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Real Astrology!

I just had a nice forty-five minute meditation, put a high velocity fan into my studio and am listening to proton radio
I am feeling very clear and wanted to extend to anyone interested what I feel is the best astrology I have ever come across and have been actively reading for ten years. Please see and hit horoscopes. Alot of you probably know about Rob, some may not, his whole website is cool. He combines full-on astrological omens with language I can only describe as campy. I can't believe how what he writes for Aquarians is always timely for me and the circumstances I'm in. Whats more, when I listen to his advice it makes my whole reality better. I'm not one to just listen to what anyone says without a discerning mind, that being said check it out and let me know what you think if it "gets you."
*PEACE* -Scott.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My Studio Pictures

I decided to post pictures of my studio. People have been telling me for years that I should have studio pics, so here they are. This studio, like a painting or a sculpture is a continual work in progress. I moved in here SIX whole years ago, the world was alot different, I was more immature and Somerville seemed to be the only and most affordable place to go if you wanted to be an artist. I have enjoyed this space in that time. Its not perfect but it inspires me. Paintings, Sculpture, plants, fish, salt lamps, candles, books, computer, meditation shrine. I keep it fully equipped as to be conductive to my creativity. I have gotten some really nice compliments about it from others over the years. I have had a bunch of gettogethers here but for the most part I am a bit selfish with it and try to keep it sacred. The last thing I need is someone from Revere ashing in one of my large marble statues at 2 a.m. then saying in a serious Boston accent, "SARRY DUDE." I'm a huge fan of ambience and night. I get serious sunsets in here which touch me, but my favorite time is at night with soma fm on and a few of my night time special effects, which there are many in here. On one level I feel I have charged the space up with a combination of meditation chants and mental time spent in creativity. So placement seems feng shui(?) but within this set up the spirit of the works vibrate off another injecting the visitor even more with a taste of what I believe is the etheric plane.
My rent isn't too bad, which allows me to spend more time in and create and market. The neighborhood feels like Brazil. I think the Brazilian population in this part of Slummerville is higher then any other. I like it. Its like being in the U.S. and not, all at the same time. Thanks for reading, gotta go....................

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Sculpture @ The Museum of Fine Arts.

Just writing to let folks
know I will have a small sculpture, Vibratory Echo
at the Museum of Fine Arts Summer Party this weekend.
The sculpture was selected and will be part of the
silent auction aspect of the evening. I will be
there in very formal attire,(yikes.) For more
information on the event please see link
Tickets are still available if anyone is interested in
a regal evening at the Museum of Fine Arts.

peace, Scott.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Open Studios, May6&7@12:00pm

*Hello and happy spring.

1.I will be participating again this year in the
annual Somerville Open Studios. Please drop in and see
my new work. "Earth Paintings" To preview click on
As in previous years I am offering all collectors, old
and new a ten percent discount during the event.
*Somerville Open Studios
May 6 + May 7, 2006
Noon to 6:00 p.m.
2 Bradley st(Mad Oyster Building)
Somerville, Massachusetts

Monday, March 20, 2006


Spring just bloomed for me a minute ago. An outward spring and inner spring. A shout out for re-juvenation, on the cold streets and in the cold heart. Scorched chances in the past, the promise to never let spring re-enter. Living under a cloud of seperateness and forgeting there is anything that can match it. There is, that nagging pinch of the heart, one of its breaths, enough to call to life a million flowers in this and other dimensions. Music of the past, playing in my ear, like a woken grave. The emotion it provides, not entirely untangled from the drab experience that used to accompany it. Still listening with faith of the next minute, the chance of a phoenix love song, the hope of light bouncing off a tear on my face hopeful of being hand and hand with that special Spring. The time of hearts, melting karma and at least an alarm clock on the rest of the season. Likeminded souls, nestled in celebration in a cramped apartment in Cambridge reciting Julius Caesar, "beware the Ides of March" it is always darkest before the light. God didn't allow us entrance to a dimension with out a sunroof. This Sunroof sometimes sticks, but is inevitably opened. Hoping this rambling finds and spawns early lightful openings in others. Peace be to the moment and the feeling in my heart.......... *Scott.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Earth Paintings & Di*men*sioned Sculptures

Six hours left until this Aquarian has his birthday. The thought of being born durning the mid-seventies with all the bellbottoms and easy listening music.... I think I had a good year. Have been very creative/semi-abundant. Was able to pay most of my bills most of the time and got a good car. The usual romantic trail of solid bread crumbs continued but like usual I ended my year single and being ultra-self absorbed in my work. Not against the idea of a good relationship in the longrun but want things to go slow and not move too quickly so it doesn't end too quickly.
In the last few weeks I took the needed steps to get my website updated, which consisted of a photo shoot, new user friendly website gallery, and wrestling with photoshop. Finally its done for anyone interested to see. My work has definately got more spiritual/new age but thats fine because I am like that. Describing each piece of work in the captions section was kind of like speaking my own language. Cosmos, astral, light, angels, protection all hallmark terms I used again and again. This work is coming right from my soul, but I feel it may be a little ahead of the "art world" that really reveres innocous dull work. Whatever anyone thinks about this work, good or bad I know that I feel it and that it came from a genuine place inside me which I am always cultivating and gaurding!
The theme of Earth paintings started hitting my canvases post-New Orleans. My first couple paintings back this year were like missed shots at a dartboard. Strong work but not worthy of the website or keeping with this new series. A globe started showing up all of the sudden and then just sat in one painting on the easel for weeks. I think I painted over it and didn't re-visit it for another month or so. Instead of painting small canvases developing the theme more quickly, I started painting big immeadiately. The usual Pearl/artistan supply runs for gesso and paints were routine. The idea of hands being a conductor for spiritual light and help for the earth just showed up. Inspired by Michelangelo's creation fresco of God(as the old man) pointing to Adams limp finger. Painting the globe over and over again was easily the most recognizable and realistic work I have ever done in my life. It felt kind of wierd at first but then customary as a springing board to jump into the rest of the space on the canvas. I just came into about ten huge stretchers randomly yesterday,(happy early birthday) which I intend to keep working on.
This is the time in the year when I usually go back to stone carving, which has really been calling out to me lately. I am conflicted as I miss carving but I feel I need to pursue this series and push it as FAR as possible.
The Di*men*sioned sculptures don't have quite the storybook quality to them as the Earth Paintings do. Each piece was carved in response to the raw block of stone I purchased. These sculpture display a high degree of negative space in the middle of each statue. An idea I am quite fond of for stone sculpture as it is normal to think of the stone being in the middle rather then air. I think its fascinating to have an empty middle and then let the work be re-ducted around this space. To be able to carve stone into a form that makes it look light or even floating, is positively fascinating to me. I wish I had a clone so one of us could be painting and one sculpting all the time. Here is the newly updated website link, please have a look and let me know what you think.
*namaste Scott

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Feeling the need to Blog.

Haven't written here in awhile. Having a blog like this makes me wish I paid more attention to my Freshmen High school Lit teacher Mr. Murray. He was a large bear-esque sweat dripping Irishman. He always wore suits but it didn't matter because they were always reduced to his sweat. I barely did any homework in that class but still passed. Wish I worked harder as my writing would be better now, anyway, here it goes.
Saturday night, I have just finished what I think is my best painting to date. A large six ft/3ft oil of etheric spiritual beings protecting the earth with light from all parts of the universe. It reminds me of a fusion of Guernica by Mr. Picasso and parts of the Sisine Chapel, by Mr. Bunaratti(Michelangelo) thrown into deep space, fused, on acid and recombined. That is my best description of this painting which has opened up yet another door in my heart and vision. My website will be updated soon with it so I won't go into any more visual description as it is kind of superfilous without the image at hand.
I have been cranking since Christmas. Non-stop painting, meditation, Mantra Ohm-Gam-Gana-Patea-Namaha(Ganesh release of blockage mantra) excercise, have not been taking any shit from the man, just teaching part-time, even sold a painting, (Ms. Finland,Blue series.) Have been feeling completely in control of my energy. No time to look back at the last five years, only time to be present and look ahead. Sometimes I wonder if I could have gotten more accomplished artistically in these years, thought I have been working at it. *LIfe seems to be like the invisible bridge of faith, there is no bridge until you take that step and it magically appears beneath your feet. Like Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail. Giving is as important if not more then recieving. The consciousness of lack is based in the ignorant insanity of the mass consciousness. People can do whatever they want if only they program themselves in this way. I am sick worrying about the "world" and will there be enough for me and will I make it. Fuck it, I am and will. Will be happy to go to the grave with a paintbrush in my hand. I don't really give a shit, Love making art, My gift, bestowed as a curse in my darkest hour ten years ago. Love it, "you need to lose to know how to win" -Aerosmith.
Heard from astrologer, this week is supposed to be the most powerful astrological week in a hundred years. Sounds good to me. Last time she said this, there was a Sunami in the Indian Ocean. She is usually right on about world events, even called the mixing of the presidential ballets back in 00. I am feeling so strong and positive about things right now. Like I can see a hundred miles away. Maybe thats not a good thing. I swear I am about to do something crazy like buy another five-thousand pound block of marble, ten thousand even, maybe twenty. I want to explode, up, down, side way , before , after inbetween, I am talking ECSTATIC CATHARSIS. Anyway, am happy to be in(yes on a Sat. night) typing away. I have come to realize, only after YEARS of partying that there is nothing out in the night that I haven't experienced before. There is always the draw of going out, but when I am peaking creatively in the studio, whats the point. This is where I want to be, its the only place I have ever wanted to be. I know exactly what I was born to do and I hope the whole world sees it in time.
peace and light *Scott

Monday, January 16, 2006

Quote from Indigo files at

The unveiling of your true Octarine/Crystal core can be harrowing at times, but it is ultimately rewarding, in ways that are unimaginable to the uninitiated. It’s like you’ve suddenly grown a whole meter, or have been given color vision in a monochrome world, or can hear musical chords and melodies after being deaf. Your life will radically change, but once that change has settled in, you will wonder how you managed to get along before it happened. You will quietly use your newly unveiled Gifts to help the rest of humanity find its way to wakefulness, seeking no reward or recognition- but content to be part of the great wave of Awakening Light that is sweeping the world.